A Call to Service: ATH’s UPP Initiative Honors Dr. King

#FightingFoodInsecurity #ReducingFoodWaste #ImprovingNutrition

A Call to Service: ATH’s Urban Produce Push Initiative Honors Dr. King

JANUARY 10, 2024

As we approach Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 15th, we reflect on his powerful words regarding food insecurity in the United States. Dr. King once said, “Let us march on poverty until no American parent has to skip a meal so that their children may eat.” This call to action remains relevant today, as more than 34 million people, including 9 million children, in the United States continue to face food insecurity, with rural communities and families of color disproportionately affected.

In the spirit of Dr. King’s belief that “everyone can be great because everybody can serve,” ATH is proud to focus on our Urban Produce Push (UPP) initiative in 2024. UPP aims to ensure every corner of Kansas City has access to an abundance of healthy, enriching produce, addressing the critical issue of food insecurity. Driven by the understanding that many households experiencing food insecurity may not qualify for federal nutrition programs, ATH seeks to make a lasting impact through local initiatives.

Just as Dr. King envisioned, ATH invites you to be part of this transformative movement. As we honor Dr. King with a day of service, consider how you can contribute your time, talent, or “treasure” to make a meaningful difference in the fight against food insecurity in your community. Join our growing network of volunteers from all walks of life as we work together to create positive change and uphold Dr. King’s legacy of service and compassion. Together, we can march towards a future where no one has to skip a meal, and every family can enjoy the nourishment they deserve.