Growing Together: ATH’s 2022 Annual Report Cultivates Strong Corporate Partnerships​

#FightingFoodInsecurity #ImprovingNutrition

Growing Together: ATH’s 2022 Annual Report Cultivates Strong Corporate Partnerships

APRIL 28, 2023

The After the Harvest team is excited to present our 2022 Annual Report entitled “Growing Together: Cultivating Strong Partnerships Through Collaboration & Connection.” As you can guess from the title, we’re digging deep into the theme of building relationships with our corporate community.

We’ve been plowing away at this idea for quite some time now, and we’re excited to finally share the fruits of our labor with you. We’ve been busy planting seeds of collaboration and nurturing our partnerships, all in the hopes of cultivating a stronger, more connected community.

Of course, we couldn’t have done it alone – we’ve had the help of some fantastic partners along the way. We’re grateful for their support and couldn’t be more proud of the harvest we’ve reaped together.

We hope this report inspires you to join us in our mission of reducing food waste and fighting hunger in our communities. If you’re a business or civic/faith group looking to make a meaningful impact, we invite you to get involved with After the Harvest. Whether you’re interested in volunteering your time or hosting and/or sponsoring events, there are countless ways to support our cause. Please reach out to us to learn more about how we can work together to build a more sustainable and equitable food system. Together, we can deliver healthy food to hungry people.