Every year, Americans throw away more than enough nutritious food to feed hungry U.S. citizen. Nearly one hundred billion pounds is wasted annually, according to the USDA. As a matter of fact, more food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in municipal solid waste. Food that could nourish our citizens ends up […]
Tag: Operation Redirect

Operation Redirect is a joint partnership between After the Harvest and Kanbe’s Markets, wherein volunteers rescue fresh produce for Kansas Citians experiencing food insecurity, reducing unnecessary food waste.

After the harvest joins forces with kanbe’s market New partnership will reduce food waste and deliver more healthy food to hungry people in Greater Kansas City https://ath19.bluesym6.work/wp-content/uploads/WDAF-ATH-Oct13-2021.mp4 October 13, 2021 KANSAS CITY, MO – After the Harvest and Kanbe’s Markets today announced the launch of Operation Redirect, a joint project engaging After the Harvest volunteers […]