To all participants and supporters of the Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-a-Thon and Sweet Corn Festival, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering dedication and enthusiasm that made this year’s event a resounding success. The After the Harvest team is immensely thankful for your continued support.
Tag: Fox4KC
#FUNDRAISING #DONORS #2022ShareTheAbundanceCAMPAIGN ATH unveils Impact Gift Catalog, Match Week on Fox4KC DEC 11, 2022 After the Harvest was proud to announce its new Impact Gift Catalog as part of the 2022 Share the Abundance fundraising campaign. Brooke Freeman and Autumn MorningSky also discussed the $5,000 match challenge sponsored by Vickie Harris of the […]
August 13, 2022 Just in! We met our goal! 50,000+ ears of sweet corn donated to local agencies Plus, meet the teams, sponsors, and farmers behind our 2022 Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-A-Thon! Click to read After the Harvest’s August newsletter.
As the lead sponsor of the 2022 Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-A-Thon & Festival, Cargill is rallying a team of 25 to compete to shuck corn and deliver it to local food banks and agencies.