Riverview Farm steps up as produce donor for 2022 Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-A-Thon
As a produce donor to the 2022 Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-A-Thon, Jimmy Springer of Riverview Farm planted several acres of corn for ATH volunteer teams to glean

Located just north of Lawrence, Kan., Riverview Farm is a new After the Harvest partner. Early in the planning process for our Amaizing Sweet Corn Glean-a-Thon, Scott Thellman of Juniper Hills Farm suggested ATH approach Jimmy Springer at Riverview Farms about growing some sweet corn for the project. We visited his farm and met with Jimmy, and wow — what a great, working farm! Everything from chickens and ducks to pigs and horses! We bought eggs at his farm stand and he showed us the field he where he would plant our corn.
In talking with his daughter, Taylor, we learned that Jimmy has been farming alongside his dad his whole life. They grow soybeans, hay, field corn and sweet corn. Taylor said they opened their farm stand in 2018, and in addition to selling eggs and sweet corn, they also grow and sell watermelons, cantaloupe and tomatoes.
Riverview Farm works with other area growers to sell a variety of regionally grown produce from Missouri and Kansas. Additionally, they sell USDA-inspected ground chuck, ground pork and whole hog sausage.
ATH is excited to work with Riverview Farms and hope this experience turns into an opportunity for partnership in the future.